Lens AF Shift
Lens AF Shift
An unexpected nuances in the digital age is a lens that has sharp AF on one body but not on another. Or bodies that have sharp AF with all but one or two lenses. So while body AF might be sharp, one or two lenses may AF soft. For those Lens AF Shift is required.
Lens AF Shift:
- Lens AF Shift is stored in the body ROM.
- Lens AF Shift only applies to that lens and body combination.
- The lens is identified through the lens ROM. If the lens has an electronic serial number then that lens is unique. But if the lens does not have an electronic serial number then it will be identified by focal length and lens speed only.
- The body can store adjustments for as many as seven lenses.
- Enable Sensors is combined with Lens AF Shift to restrict the sensor line.
To veiw Autofocus Functions click on their Tabs Below:
Link to 7D and later Software Window
Sensor Group 1, 2, 3 –Each button activates a different sensor group. The orientation and type of the sensor group is also identified.
Removes the Lens AF Shift from body ROM.
Write to Camera
This button is only enabled if you type or select an Adjust Shift. Clicking on this button writes the Lens AF Shift adjustment to the camera.
Test Shot
Use this button to take a series of test pictures through the imaging software.
Check Box
Displays the senor orientation.
Radio Buttons
- Individual sensor. Allows you to select and adjust individual AF sensors.
- All sensors. Enables you to select and adjust all sensors in that group.
Zoom Setting
- Wide Angle. Zoom lenses need to be adjusted at two settings; first Tele and then Wide Angle.
- Telephoto. This is the first AF Shift position for Zoom Lens. Tele is selected for fixed / prime lenses.
Sensor Array / Left Window‘Click’ on the sensor to activate it. The line through the sensor identifies its orientation.
Lens ID
This window identifies the lens attached to the camera. The scroll arrow is used to select a lens stored on the body ROM.
0 means that there is no electronic serial number associated with the lens. If the lens as an electronic serial number stored on its ROM it will be displayed here.
Current Value
Displays the current value of the Lens AF Shift.
Adjust Shift
Type in or use the scroll arrows to make adjustments. Click ‘Write to Camera’ to download the adjustment into the camera.