Canon Adjustment Software

Technician Friendly – Easy to Use – Affordable & Indispensable

  • SPT Software meets and exceeds factory standards! 
  • No special tools or jigs are necessary!
  • The software pays for itself with just one use!  
  • The Software is delivered as downloads so you can purchase it the moment you need it!
  • SPT Service Adjustment Software is a powerful tool for both repairs and expanding your business through full service!

Reduced Repair Times.
By checking the camera's internal error codes, shutter and mirror count you can make a substantive evaluation of the repair needed.  You can do this without disassembly, in less then five minutes.  The time saved per repair is major!  The costly mistakes you'll avoid is major!  This is not opinion but facts stated by camera repair technicians.

When you can read the camera's internal error codes and their possible causes you'll have a pretty good idea of the direction of the repair.  And when you can read the last '8' error codes say good-by to intermittent error headacks.


Clearing Internal Error Codes
Clearing internal error codes after a repair is professional.  More then that, sometimes mandatory!  Under certain circumstances a camera may require that the internal error codes to be cleared before you can complete the repair.   We have seen it time after time;  complete a good repair and the camera still errors out or errors out intermittently without apparent cause.  You can only clear the error codes and complete the repair using software.

Adjusting the Shutter
You replace the shutter;  everything is good but … no exposure at high speeds.  Very common!  A five-minute job using software.  A loss without software or a hack job "don't use the high speeds".  It's easy to understand that you need software to complete a 'shutter job', which is a very common repair.


Adjusting both Camera Body and Lens to Body Auto Focus

Even 'out of the box' Digital SLR auto focus can and should be improved.  In addition, lenses that auto focus well on one body may be soft on another body ….  a common problem.  Tuning body auto focus and lens auto focus matching to body are high desirable to improving a camera performance .. the very reason people purchase an SLR!  

With SPT Service software this can be done … without additional expensive tools or jigs.

Increase In-House Repairs
We have done a number of surveys and they show that in-house repair increase dramatically.  The results are conclusive;  in-house repair increase 30% – 50% overnight when you have SPT Software!

Read some Software Reviews!

There is MUCH more ……….


Camera FAX
People are learning to ask for the shutter count when buying or selling cameras.  It's almost mandatory now.  They also ask for the count when looking at service.  The shutter and mirror counts are the odometer of a camera.  This feature is a great hit with customers.  You can print the General Page of the software, which includes the Shutter Count.  You can even print the Camera Fax as a PDF and email it.  The camera fax feature lets you add your contact information and logo so your customer and their friends always have your contact information.

  • Stand-alone Service.  Instantly understandable by customers when equated with a 'car fax' for their camera.  'Camera Fax' is a service that sells itself.  Customers willingly pay for 'camera faxes' and this service is a draw for your business.


  • Packaged wtih your repairs.  Value added to your repair!  This stand-alone service ranges up to $80 and can be added into your repairs without any extra cost or time.  A service only available locally from you!


  • Draw for your Camera Clinics.  Offer more then sensor cleaning at your camera clinics.  Live service as they wait .. or show screen shots and Power Point presentations of this service during your clinics.

New Wave Service Proven to Work!


Read and Change the Shutter and Mirror Count
A great tool for evaluating the condition of the camera.  Resetting the count after replacing the shutter or mirror box is a professional service.  And if you have the advanced version of our software you will be able to record the date and count of the last three shutter and mirror box changes.  That data is written inside the camera's EEPROM so it stays with the camera.

Saving the Camera and Digital Data
Before replacing printed circuit boards you use this feature to save the camera data and digital data.  That way you can put the original data into the new or salvage PCBs.  It's also a great tool for blueprinting a customer's camera for future reference.    

Reading and Changing the Serial Number
Every camera has an electronic serial number.  Reading the electronic serial number and comparing it the its physical serial number allows you to quickly determine if the camera is a salvage.  If you replace the printed circuit board, changing the serial number is professional.


Lens ID Error
When a lens fails, the camera errors out!  Frequently photographers own multiple lenses and more frequently lens errors are intermittent.  You are faced with time consuming testing, time you can't recover.  Finding the faulty lens quickly means that you make more money!

Thankfully all software starting with the Canon EOS 40D identifies the faulty lens and stores that information on the cameras EERPOM.

"I was hoping you had updated it (earlier software) to indicate which lens was on the camera when you add a lens error like the newer models now do.  I have had two cameras now with erratic Err 99 that the software told me the problem was in a lens, but I had to check a bunch of customers lenses to locate the right one, which took a bunch of time."


Shutter, Auto Exposure and Auto Focus Calibration
Auto Focus, Shutter and Auto Exposure Calibration; all the calibration power you need to offer customers full service.  The only additional test equipment needed is a calibrated light box and a copy stand.

  • The Calibrated Light Box is used for Shutter and Auto Exposure calibration.
  • The Copy Stand is used for Auto Focus calibration.  There are numerous alternatives to a copy stand.


Calibrate a Test Lens
This unique feature of our software walks you through the mysteries of picking and calibrating your own test lens.  

  • This feature saves thousands of dollars.  Factory test lenses costs range from $1,000 to $4,000.


  • This feature allows you to calibrate and use several test lenses.  Although a 50mm F1.8 is the standard test lens there are times when a Macro 50mm or a Tele 200mm test lens works better, versatility!

Main PCB Initialization
New Main PCB are usually initialized by the manufacture.  But some Main PCBs ship un-initialized (without a boot program).  SPT software allows you to initialize these Main PCBs and reload the original camera and digital data.



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