Software Canon EOS 4000D Professional

Great Canon Service Adjustment Software for the:  Canon EOS 4000D_3000D, Rebel T100

10% Discount for 2 or more softwares on the same invoice!

Price: $175.00


Canon EOS 4000D / 3000D / Rebel T100 Software supports Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 ..  Emulations are not supported


Professional Features

This software consists of the Essential Section and Three Plugins

The Essential Section has 6 features

  1. General Information
  2. Error Codes
  3. Camera Data
  4. Digital Data
  5. Plugins
  6. Professional Camera FAX

There are 3 Plugins 

  1. Shutter Calibration
  2. Auto Exposure Calibration
  3. Main Board Replacement

Essential Section

General Information allows you to:

  1. Read the Model and Firmware Version. 
  2. Read and Change the Serial Number.
  3. Read and Change the Shutter and Mirror Counts
  4. Read the Total Count
  5. Produce the Professional Camera FAX - Before and After Service.


Error Code allows you to:

  1. Read the LAST 7 Internal Error Codes.
  2. See the Possible Causes and includes the Lens, and Shot count when the error occurred.
  3. Clear the Error Codes after service.


Camera and Digital Data allows you to:

  1. Save the Camera and Digital Data from the original Main PCB.
  2. Load Camera and Digital data into a new Main PCB.
  3. Use salvage Main PCBs for the repair.


Professional Camera FAX allows you to:

Give your customer a Detailed Report: 

  • Shot Count Record 
  • Error Record - Before and After Service
  • Shutter Replacement History 
  • Mirror Box Replacement History 
  • AE Unit Temperature
  • Produce a Camera FAX - BEFORE AND AFTER SERVICE!


Professional Plugings

Shutter Calibration


Note:    The 4000D does NOT allow software adjustment of Shutter Timing.

Shot Count allows you to:

  1. Read and Change the Shutter Count
  2. Read and Reset the Shutter Replacement History.
  3. Read the Total Shot Count 


Mirror Count allows you to:

  1. Read and Change the Mirror Count
  2. Read and Reset the Mirror Replacement History 
  3. Read the Total Mirror Count


Auto Exposure Calibration

Backup allows you to:


AE Temperature allows you to:

  • Check that the AE temperature is correct before attempting adjustment.  You can also Change the temperature if it is incorrect.  An important tool for over heating or erratic calibration problems.  


Calibration allows you to:

  • Adjust the AE light meter system.  Note:  You need a Light box for this function.  


Sensor Output allows you to:

  1. Read the ‘Live’ output of the AE cells, Layers 1 and 2.  Note:  You need a Light box for this function.
  2. Check the alignment of the AE Unit.
  3. Read the Minimum / Maximum and Average light readings at a glance.


AE Shift allows you to:

  1. Shift the output of the AE sensors up or down.  Note:  You need a Light box for this function.
  2. This feature lets you deliberately make the camera ‘Under’ or ‘Over’ expose.  It can be a customer preference, it can be needed by a change in focusing screen, or for any other reason.


Main Board Replacement

Backup Calibration allows you to:


Initialize Board allows you to:

  1. Initialization is required when a new Main Board is installed.
  2. After installing a new Main Board the Firmware must be re-installed before Initialization!
  3. Initialize the new Main Board.  The process is automatic and the screens will walk you through the process.  During Initialization, the generic calibration files in the new main Board are deleted and data files from other boards in the camera are loaded into the new board. 


Load Calibration allows you to:

  1. Load your saved Calibration data files into the new Main Board.  The screens will walk you though the process.
  2. Important:  Make sure the battery is fully changed.  Loosing power or interrupting the Upload process in any way may damage your new Main Board.


Model and Serial allows you to:

  1. View and change the cameras electronic serial numbers.  They are stored on several boards, all should agree with the serial number plate on the outside of the camera.  
  2. View and change the Model Name.  This camera is sold under different names, you may need to correct the Model Name after you replace the Main Board.


Great Help Files

Can’t remember everything, don’t worry.  Each page is linked to its section of the Help Files .. no hunting! 


Software Replacement / Error Codes / Updates!

If you loose your Software Zip package .. we’ll replace it free … no Problem.  We evolve Error Code section, your software will let you know that an update is available.  When we make a software update, minor or major, the update is FREE!


Lots of horsepower under the hood with a common sense interface.



Software 10% Off Sale

10% discount for orders of 2 or more Softwares on the same invoice!
10% Discount for orders of 2 or more $157.50 / ea You Save: $17.50 (10%)!
Qualifications for this discount:
The order in your cart must have 2 or more products from the following categories: Canon D SLR Adjustment Software


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