Digital Cameras
Digital Electronics / Digital Cameras
Measuring Light
Photovoltaic Cells
CdS Cells
Matrix Cells
Photodector Locations
Lens Shutter Compact Cameras
Troubleshooting and Testing Photo detectors
Testing CdS cells
Testing Photodiodes
Testing Matrix Metering Systems
Film & Digital Sensitivity
Converting ISO into an Electronic Property
Digital Sensor ISO
Film CAS
Understand CAS Codes
Digital Exposure Calculations
Other A/D Methods
Digital Metering Circuits
Binary Code Generators
Metering Circuit Calculations
Troubleshooting Metering Circuits
Light Circuit
ISO Circuits
CAS Codes
Aperture and Shutter Dial Inputs
Apex Tables
Testing and Adjusting D SLRs Metering Systems using Service Software
Calibration Problems
Failure Problems
Checking the AE Sensor
Adjusting the AE Sensor
Check and Adjust AE Temperature
Calibrating the AE Sensor
Adjusting AE Shift
Lesson Goal: AI Lightemeters systems have been the unsung advancement in digital cameras. This lesson starts you at the beginning but in one page we advance you to the start of modern metering, the photodiode (SPD) coupled with Op Amps. You will recognize this metering system from your lab in Lesson 3. We take you through the gauntlet of encoders, calculations, A/D converters and troubleshooting all the way to current Matrix metering.
When you complete this lesson you should understand lightmeter systems, how calculations are done and how to troubleshoot and repair metering systems.
Hands On Lab SLR Camera, test the Lightmeter Circuit
- The Lab Module is not included with the 45% Paperless Discount.
- Tip: If you buy an older D SLR you can use it for this and other lessons. It is a cheap easy way to go and you can resell it after you are done. Using the 45% Discount and a used D SLR really knocks down the cost! Free offer: Match your model to one of our Troubleshooting Guides and we will send you the Guide FREE!
- Contact us at: or 800-624-9621 if you need more details.
- Typical Time Required: 15 hours
Updated 2010