Software Canon EOS XT 350D Essential





Canon EOS 350D_XT Software Requires Windows XP or XP-Pro

Emulations are not supported.


Essential Plus Features

  1. Print and pdf the Camera FAX.
  2. Read and change the camera's electronic serial number.
  3. Read and change the camera's shutter count.
  4. Read and clear the camera's last internal error code.
  5. Download, save and upload the camera's Adjustment data.
  6. Download, save and upload the camera's Digital image data.
  7. Adjust the Shutter Speed timing. A must with this model.

Essential allows MAIN PCB REPLACEMENT WITH A SALVAGE PCB by swapping the data files.

We will not produced an Advance version of this software


Camera FAX

Camera FAX to copy and paste information from the software into the Camera FAX report. It also features Custom Header and Footers, keeps your contact information and your business policy in front of your customer.





Preview the Software by ‘clicking’ on our slideshow


Outstanding Help Files!

Just click 'Help' in any function and your Help window automatically opens to that section .. perfect!  


We have used many Help files in other softwares only to become frustrated trying to find the right section and then trying to understand the what it means.  We give clear directions with help sections linked to their functions.  You are also able to access all areas of the help files in any function.


Evolving Error Codes and Free Updates!

All are part of your software package!  SPT software starts with all known internal error codes and their possible cause(s).  But as the camera repair field links internal error codes to additional causes we add that information to software updates.  Free updates also allows your software to adapt to changes in both hardware and firmware.


Simple to use but with lots of horsepower under the hood. Our user interface remains simple and intuitive but there is allot of extra new code under the hood keeping it that way.  Among other things, all this extra code insures that you won't need an incredibly expensive interface tools when doing adjustments.  



This model requires a WIA driver to connect the camera to your PC in Consumer Mode.  Use the link in our SPT site!


Software 10% Off Sale

10% discount for orders of 2 or more Softwares on the same invoice!
10% Discount for orders of 2 or more $89.10 / ea You Save: $9.90 (10%)!
Qualifications for this discount:
The order in your cart must have 2 or more products from the following categories: Canon D SLR Adjustment Software


Average Rating
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(5 out of 5 with 3 votes)
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Steve Kew (Orem, Utah) - December 13th 2017
Thanks Chuck for helping me with this camera.
Great Software!
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Robert Kilbourn (IN) - August 5th 2009
I bought the software after fighting with a camera for 8+ hours with no success. I was able to clear the error code with the software and the camera started working fine! Thanks SPT for this great tool to use in my repair business.

If you are in doubt about buying the SPT software, don't be. I'll be buying the other models as I get the money to do so.

Excellent Software – A must have
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Scott Crisman (WA) - July 23rd 2009
Thank you Chuck & SPT for providing software programs that can make camera repair very profitable. The day before yesterday I had a customer come in with his Canon EOS 350D. He said everything was working properly but just wanted to have a complete servicing of the camera. He ok’ed the $248.00 service without blinking a eye which caused me to be concerned. I ordered Chuck’s SPT Software for the 350D camera to check error codes and shutter count. Found error code of 05 – [ more]