Installing the Software

After you receive an email confirming of that your license is ready 

  1. Unzip the program file.
  2. Locate the Unzipped folder.
  3. Launch the Program from the Unzipped folder.  A License Request Window should open.
Make sure the Company name and email address match your purchase invoice exactly.
  1. In a few minutes you will receive your license by email. *
  2. Install the license on the PC that was used to launch the software **.
  3. You should see a 'License has been successfully installed' window within two seconds.
  4. Check the software in 'Demo' Mode.
  5. Now 'Click' on the question 'Check the Camera Connection'.

*   If the license is corrupted, contact SPT for a zipped license.
** 'Click' on the question 'Licensing' for more information.
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