Business Questions
Business is Business!
- Software allows you to see into the camera's brain! Once you use it, you'll feel blind without it. Try it and you will be a believer!
- Service Software tells your customers that you are up-to-date!
If Service Adjustment Software is new to you, here are some frequent business questions:
- Is it worth it?
- How much will it cost?
- Are there special tools required and what are there costs?
- When should I purchase Software?
- How long will it take to get my money back?
- What About Updates?
Also use ‘Software Reviews’ to help answer your questions.
Is it worth it?
The underlining this question is: “Why can’t I just continue doing repairs the way I am doing them now? Why should I have the added expense!?"
- Yes.
Digital repairs can be tricky and swapping parts may or may not work. Everybody has spent time, money and parts chasing a repair. You wind up in the hole and may still have to send it in. Add up the number of these hits to your business over a year and you will answer your own question!
Outsourcing is turned around: 60 / 40 (outsourced / in-house) to 20 / 80 (outsourced / in-house).
How much will it cost?
- $99.00 or $249.00 per model.
The buy-in is cheap! You aren’t pouring thousands of dollars into a project.
Are there any special tools and what are there costs?
- No
You do need a Light Box for AE and shutter adjustments but that tool is something most of us already own.
When should I purchase Software?
- The first time you see that model.
You’ll make the most money if you purchase the software the first time you see that model. We know that there is a sweet spot (time) and a trail for all D SLRs, early gives you the most profit.
You have to take into account for the number of many times you will see that model. If you see that model only ten times in a few years, you will make a good return. If you see that model more then ten times, you’ll get a great return. If you only see that model only two or three times, it’s a debatable issue.
Some good signs, D SLR sales are high and the longevity of D SLR models is increasing.
How long will it take to get my money back?
- The first time you use software is break-even.
- The second or third time you’ll make money.
In business, that is an unbelievable payback period! Consider that without the software you might end up chasing the repair. Consider the time it takes you to hit the usual suspects. Consider the unnecessary parts cost. Then consider your time again.
What About Updates?
- Free Updates are part of your purchase!
As firmware and other factors upgrade, we upgrade our software. Our's is a proven ability.