General Page

Functions in Essentials General Page


There are a few differences between early software releases (pre-40D) and current releases.  In early software releases the 'Print Camera Fax' button was called 'Print' and they did not have a Mirror Count feature (their EEPROMs didn't support this function).

Identifies the Camera Model.

Identifies the camera's current Firmware version.

Reads and changes the camera's electronic serial number.  

You can:

  • Compare the camera's physical number against its electronic serial number to verify communication.
  • Identify hybrid cameras.  (salvage cameras)
  • Identify Main PCBs changed by non-professional repair shops.
  • Match the cameras electronic serial number with the body's physical number after changing the Main PCB.

Shutter Count:
This feature allows you to read and change the shutter count.  It is the shutter's odometer.

Reading the shutter count allows you to evaluate repairs without any disassembly.  You can compare the shutter count against typical replacement counts for that model and recommend preemptive shutter changes during the course of another repair or recommend service before shutter failure.  And after a shutter replacement you can reset the shutter count as part of your professional service.

Mirror Count:
This feature let you read and change the mirror count.  It is the Mirror Boxes and Mirror Motors odometer.

Reading the mirror count along with the shutter count allows you to make informed evaluations about repairs.
You can determine real failure points of mirror boxes and motors.  

Like the shutter count this feature allows you to evaluate the camera without any disassembly

Total Count:
This feature let you read and change the combine shutter and mirror count.  It is the camera's odometer.

This feature allows you to keep the total count even after a shutter or mirror box replacement.



Print Camera Fax
Using this feature allows you to print or PDF all the information on the General Page with your Contact information and company logo.  

In addition you can include information using copy / paste of the cameras error codes, history or whatever additional information you want to include.

This button 'Refreshes' the information between the camera body and software.

Opens the software's built in help window.


Quits the software / camera connection in the proper sequence.

To view Essential Features use the Menu on the left side of this page!

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